We The Institute has a bouquet of valuable resources such as most committed faculty, well equipped and updated computer centre, rich resources in terms of books, journals and magazines and students of exceptional intelligence and ability-but few perceptions.


The college possesses laboratories for the nursing practical subject. The laboratories are completely equipped with items required AS PER INC NORMS for practical in the syllabus. All the laboratories constructed with keeping in mind their compatibility as each laboratories are equipped with fresh air inlet and adequate space to accommodate more than 40 students during practical hours.


The library offers a calm and quite environment for peaceful study. The library is fully fledged
with professional and other important textbook helpful for student’s reference. The library
subscribe sufficient journals, magazines, news papers. The library has sufficient seating


Lecture hall with proper seating arrangement. All lecture halls are quite spacious, the teacher can reach to each and every student comfortably and have observation on the activities of students. The lecture hall of the institutes is fully equipped with audiovisual aids.


Gracious College of Nursing has an excellent teaching faculty with highly qualified and well experienced nurses and doctors from various departments. All teachers are full time and the students are given special attention. The excellent result in the examination is due to dedicated constant effort by staff. Each student has a mentor faculty who guides him/her intellectually socially and spiritually.


Students will be posted to Government District Hospital where the student are at the privilege of serving the people from all walks of life. For community training student will be posted to Govt. Community / Primary Health Centre.


The GCN is providing computers to the student during their computing exercise as additional input to the student s to cope up with challenges of future. Apart from formal course work requirements in prescribed working hours the institute is desires to provide necessary computer knowledge.


During the training period student are assigned hospital duties for their clinical experience in the various departments such as Medical, Surgical, Pediatric, Community Health, Orthopedic, Family Welfare, Cardiothoracic, ICU etc.
Our college is affiliated to 300 beded govt. Dist. Hospital, Balaghat.